What to bring when you sail in the summer

What to bring sailing on the Loon:

·         Sneakers or deck shoes (another pair for island hiking is a good idea)

·        Swim suit(If it is hot you will want to swim)

·        Fall informal clothing for hot days and very cold days. Layers are good. Long sleeves have helped with the bugs when on the islands.

·         Hats and sun management is important.

·        Sun glasses

·        A high number sun screen

·        Your best rain suit.

·        Some people like gloves for handling lines

·        Toiletries (lotion, medications,  insect repellant, etc. most of the 22 islands have bugs.)

·        Biodegradable soaps for a dip in the lake.  

·        Towel and wash cloth

·        Summer Sleeping Bag / pillow or Sheets and a Blanket

·        Duffel bag or soft sided bag for stowing your stuff (no hard sided suitcases)

·        Small games, reading material, devotional material, camera, flashlight, water bottle, fanny pack for hiking